Varicose Veins Pain: Causes and Treatment
Varicose veins are a common condition; they affect over half of the adult women in the U.S. and about 45 percent of adult men. While the causes of varicose veins can vary from person to person, it's unanimous that no one likes the appearance of varicose veins. For many people this condition is not only unsightly; the symptoms of varicose veins often include swelling, cramping, throbbing pain, and itchy rashes.
Common Causes of Varicose Veins
One of the primary causes of varicose veins is life itself. As our bodies age, our veins can weaken, which means that they may not work as efficiently to move our blood through the body and back to the heart. Veins contain tiny one-way valves that prevent the blood from flowing in the wrong direction; the aging process can weaken these valves, allowing blood to leak back into veins and start to pool there. The excess blood causes the veins to become enlarged, resulting in the condition known as varicose veins.
Other causes of varicose veins include:
- Hereditary factors -- having one or more family members with varicose veins increases our risk for this condition;
- Obesity -- extra weight means that more pressure is exerted on our veins;
- Pregnancy and hormonal changes -- estrogen and progesterone are known to contribute the formation of varicose veins;
- Sun exposure -- especially for people with fair skin, exposure to the sun can trigger spider veins on the nose or the cheeks;
- A sedentary lifestyle -- sitting for long periods of time forces your veins to have to work harder to pump your blood back to your heart, especially if you sit with your legs bent at the knees or crossed.
Signs and Symptoms of Varicose Veins
The most obvious sign or varicose veins are the telltale appearance of what look like twisted cords just under the surface of the skin. These enlarged veins can be red, blue, or even flesh-colored; varicose veins are often swollen and protrude above the skin's surface. Spider veins are the smaller cousin of varicose veins; these red or blue veins have a "spider web" appearance comprised of short, jagged segments.
In addition to their appearance, other symptoms of varicose veins can include swelling, throbbing, achiness, cramping, and itching, sometimes to the point where a rash will form. In severe cases of varicose veins, the surrounding skin area may become darker.
Varicose Vein Pain Relief
While there are a number of procedures to reduce or eliminate varicose veins, most take place in a doctor's office due to the discomfort that these procedures cause and the possibility of dangerous complications. In addition, many of these procedures are too expensive for most people to afford.
A better solution to the pain and unsightliness of varicose veins and spider veins is through the use of a proven supplement that contains special ingredients that are designed to boost the level of circulatory health. Studies have shown that when used according to directions, over-the-counter herbal pills such as Veinity RX effectively eliminate existing varicose veins and prevent new varicose veins from forming. User reviews indicate that after a few weeks of use, Veinity RX offered relief from the pain and itching associated with varicose veins.